Because Twisted Silver lets you define how to wear the jewelry, your imagination is your only limitation. Give free reign to your individuality. One piece of jewelry.....SO many options! It's great to be a girl!

Would you like to win a bracelet? You have a chance to win either the "Rope Bracelet" or the "Athena."
Just leave a comment letting me know which you prefer.
For an extra entry, add my button to your blog.
Giveaway ends October 17th.
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»the rope braclet is the one I would like best
Definatly Athena ^-^
They're both really pretty! For my own personal style I like the rope bracelet best.
I like the Athena the best.
Love Athena!
My fav. bracelet is the rope bracelet. Just great!
Athena for me, please
I like the Athena.
I like the Athena. Thank you.
I would love the rope!
I would love the rope one.
rebbi511 at
I prefer the Athena
I love all Twisted Silver jewelry!!
It's one of a kind!!
MY favorite of the two bracelets is the Rope Bracelet. :)
:) Thank you for the great giveaway! :)
I love the Athena!
I love the athena bracelet
The rope bracelet is nice :o)
I love the Athena bracelet!
I love the Athena! Thanks so much
They are both very nice. I think I like the Athena best though.
I love the rope bracelet, it's gorgeous!
The athena is the one for me! Very nice bracelet.
I would love to have the Athena bracelet. Thanks for the chance.
the rope bracelet gets the nod
I love the Athena bracelet. Thanks for the chance to win.
Love both but the athena is where my wrist goes!
Love braclet!!
Rope Bracelet for me!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
I like the Athena.
Love the Athena!
I loved the Athena bracelet. It is really classy!!
Tough choice - but I will go with the Athena
The Rope bracelet is my favorite. It's simple but still makes a statement. Thanks!
hard choice....but the rope is the one I like the best
I love the rope bracelet!
really like the Athena
love the rope chain.
Definitely the Athena. That is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway. Cee
ceevegnashville @
I like the Athena bracelet.
The Athena Bracelet is romantic and unique. I love it.
Rope Bracelet #1
I really like the rope bracelet
Who could choose? I want them both but since you insist I guess it would be Athena, but then again Rope is really great, oh heck send either one and I will be a happy camper.
I liked the Rope Bracelet best. Very cool!
I like the Athena.
rope bracelet
I prefer the Rope bracelet. Thanks for the contest!
I like both but since I have to choose... Rope
My favorite is the rope.
Thank you so much for having this contest. I really appreciate it.
I don't wear bracelets, but my daughter does--I think she would prefer the Athena.
clynsg at
Athena is the one I like best
Both are beautiful, but I'll go with the rope.
Definitely the rope bracelet
Athena for me.
I'd like the rope bracelet, thanks.
I really like the Athena bracelet! Please enter me in your contest. Thanks!
Bebe :)
i love the athena
I really like both, but I prefer the Athena Bracelet slightly more.
They're both great but I love the Athena bracelet! Thank you!
The Athena Bracelet is Beautiful!
I love the rope bracelet. So elegant. Thanks for the chance to win.
the athena
Athena for me
I love Athena!
Athena Beautiful
Love the rope bracelet, BEAUTIFUL!
rope braclet
The rope bracelet is amazing- I'd love to wear it!
I would love the beautiful rope bracelet!
I like the Athena bracelet the best.
I like the Rope bracelet.
the athena, it is great!
the athena,its classic but still very modern and fashionable
The rope is my favorite!
I like Athena
I really like the rope bracelet. I visited Twisted Silver and loved their jewelry. I think I'm going shopping on payday.
I like the Rope bracelet.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
The Athena. Thanks!
I like the Athena, thanks!
i like the athena! too cute.
I *love* the Athena bracelet's design~
Hard decision but the rope is my preference.
Athena bracelet for me, thanks!
I love the Athena bracelet! Thanks for the contest. ;-)
I like the rope braclet hope I win it.
The Athena bracelet is fantastic.
They truly are both so great -- I would be thrilled to wear either one! If I had to choose, I'd pick the Rope bracelet. Thank you for the chance to win.
arbrashears (at)msn (dot) com
I would really love the Athena Bracelet. It matches a major splurge purchase I made of a 'cafe' colored leather blazer!
I love the Athena!
hblaser at gmail dot com
I prefer the Athena Bracelet. Thanks!!
i love the athena i like the design on the front, dunno they kinda look like crosses too me. it's neat
I would love to win the really is pretty :)
Athena ... love it
Athena (that's my cat's name too :)
rope bracelet
I really like the Athena.
The rope bracelet.
I think I would prefer the rope bracelet, although the Athena is lovely.
I really like everything at Twisted Silver. In this instance, the rope bracelet is my favorite.
Athena lover in the house!
I prefer the rope bracelet.
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
Jewelry. I really love the Rope bracelet:)
Love the Athena! Very cool!
love the Athena
Bonnie in FL
It's one of a kind!!
I love the Athena bracelet!
I always have adored the athena bracelet! Thanks!
I love traditional looking furniture, jewelry, books, etc. I like them both but I would probably wear the Athena the most, it's intricate and interesting.
I would prefer the Athena bracelet. Thank you for the contest!
The rope bracelet is my favorite!
i like the rope bracelet.
I love the Athena. Thanks!
I like the Athena bracelet
They are both really cool, but I think I would have to pick the Athena.
Athena for me!
believedreamcourage (at)
I would love to win the Athena bracelet!
Both are amazing pieces, but I definitely favor the Athena.
I'll pick Athena
My sister loves the Athena bracelet. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I really like the Athena bracelet
It's got to be the it.
I love the Athena bracelet the best.
Athena all the way! :)
My wife would love the rope bracelet.
I like the Tangle Bangle
The rope one.
loving Athena
I really love the Athena!
I would love the rope bracelet.
the Athena bracelet is my style in jewelry. I really like it.
They are both very pretty, but I think I'd have to go with the Athena.
beausdorei at gmail dot com
They're both gorgeous, but Athena was my grandmother's name and I'd love that bracelet.
Thank you!
i like the Athena the best
They're both great but I prefer the Athena.
I like them both! If forced to pick, I'd go with the rope bracelet.
Athena - it's wonderful!
Athena. I think it's beautiful.
Athena is my favorite but I also like the hope earrings, unique, thanks for the giveaway
Athena. Feminine yet powerful.
athena is the best, my gf would love it !
AHHH! Decisions, decisions....I love both, but if I had to choose one, I'd go with the lovely Athena. Thanks! :)
I like the rope bracelet best. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the Athena it is gorgeous.
The rope bracelet is my very favorite ! But they both are beautiful pieces !
i like the rope bracelet.
They are both unique and beautiful styles, but I am IN LOVE with the rope bracelet!
The Athena is just gorgeous!
The Athena is gorgeous!
The Athena bracelet is gorgeous.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Love the athena :)
ktgonyea at
I like the Athena best
tiramisu392 (at)
Thank you for having this. I really like both but the Rope Bracelet I like a little bit more. thank you!
I love the Athena the most a;though both are really pretty.
Love them both, but I think I'd wear the rope bracelet more.
I love the Athena bracelet! Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Athena is my pick! Very classy, yet casual also!!
shjajo at aol dot com
i like the rope bracelet
Tough choice - I think Athena
I love the Athena. Please enter me.
Both are very unique and beautiful bracelets bt I really like the Athena the best.
tamben7996 (at)aol(dot)com
Athena is my favorite. :)
I really like the Athena.
Welll I really love them both but,since I have to pick one, I guess the rope one!
I love the Rope bracelet, but they are both pretty!
Thanks for the great giveaway. The rope bracelet is really my style.
I like the Athena bracelet the best, I haven't seen anything like it before.
If I win, I'd like the athena bracelet
They are both striking but I really am drawn to the Athena braclet.
I love twisted silver. My favorite is the Athena bracelet.
they are bith lovely but I prefer the Athena. what a nice contest, thank you for the chance
The rope bracelet is the one I have chosen but it was not easy. a serious debate in my head plus feedback from the rest of the house.
I especially like the "Athena" bracelet!
I like Athena most.
The Athena is my favorite!
I love the Athena bracelet, it is beautiful!
Those are beautiful. I especially like the first one. e yoste (at) aol (dot) com.
I really like the Athena bracelet.
I love the rope bracelet.Love
twisted silver.Thanks for the giveaway
I really like the Athena bracelet. It's beautiful. Thank you for the giveaway!
I would choose the Athena bracelet. I love Twisted Silver jewelry.
The Athena bracelet is beautiful. I love bracelets and this one looks so unique!
The athena one is so pretty!
I like the Athena. Thanks for the chance.
The athena is my favorite.
I have your button on my blog. :)
The Athena just rocks. Please count me in! :)
I would like to win the Rope bracelet.
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